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Privatisation, Public Sector, Not for Sale, South Australia

SA Not for Sale

Stop Privatisation

Successive Governments in South Australia have privatised a large number of public services over many years. This started with selling off our electricity, public transport, our forestry industry, the Motor Accident Commission, our highly regarded Lands Titles Office and most recently the sale to multinational Serco of the Adelaide Remand Centre.

Currently SA Pathology, our trains and trams, Service SA and the Motor Registry, and road and signal maintenance are all facing the threat of privatisation, and there may be more prisons sold to private providers like Serco in the future.


Alongside privatisation there has also been a direct and sustained attack on public services through budget cuts, leaving diminished public services and putting enormous pressure on the workers delivering them.


We urgently need to demand quality public services and stop privatisation.

what do we want?
  • A well-resourced public service for all South Australians.

  • An end to privatisation of public services.

  • Review current privatised service arrangements.

  • Investment in new public assets and public sector capacity.

  • A secure, professional and highly skilled public sector workforce.

services for sa!


The Public Service Association is South Australia's most effective public sector union. Dedicated to serving the needs and interests of members, the PSA is proud to provide a strong voice for workers across the public sector, and fight for essential community services.



This campaign is managed by the Public Service Association of SA Inc. on behalf of members. To send the PSA a message, please use the form below.


You can also use the field below to provide us your 'Real Story'. This information will go directly to the PSA.


If your matter is urgent, please contact the PSA on 8205 3200.


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Thank you for sharing your story. Your message will be taken into account as the SA Not for Sale campaign progresses. The PSA will keep you informed throughout this important work.


© 2017 Public Service Association of SA Inc. Authorised by Nev Kitchin, PSA General Secretary, Public Service Association of SA Inc.

122 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA 5000.

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